2023 Goals

In 2022 I focused on four key pillars they were fitness, finance, freelance, and friends. I found that prioritizing different elements of my life helped me to have a successful year after two years of struggling through burn out. While I have not reached the end point of each of these goals, for example, I am not ready to retire and I am not able to fully support myself on my freelance work alone, I made great progress towards these goals in 2022. I was also able to recover enough to feel encouraged to create meaningful goals in the form of a list of 23 things to do in 2023.

This month, I visualized research on New Year’s resolutions and how many people keep them. I found it interesting that women are slightly more likely to set New Year’s Resolutions and that the top 3 resolution categories were Health, Self Improvement, and Money. While New Years isn’t the only time that you can set meaningful goals it can feel like a good time to re-establish your priorities.

In the past I have done for example a list of 19 things that I wanted to do in 2019 and that year I completed 14 out of the 19 items these are everything from nagging tasks that I want to feel better about completing to bucket, list, items, and general life refocusing efforts.

While I am looking to continue prioritizing fitness, finance, freelance, and friends in 2023, I have written out a clear set of goals to check off as the year goes on. I want to prioritize a better work life balance than I did in 2023 and enjoy my life a little bit more even if it means making slightly less money my word for 2023 because of that is to be intentional I want to be intentional about how I spend my time who I spend my time with how I feel my body and how I move my body in this world I’ve learned a lot in my 25 years so far and I’m excited to see what 2023 brings!

2023 Word: Intention

23 Goals for 2023:

  1. Run another half marathon

  2. Learn how to style my hair curly

  3. Take an international trip

  4. Max out Roth IRA

  5. Read 6 books by minority authors

  6. Grow to 1000 followers on @SchenkerCreativeCo instagram

  7. Grow to 500 followers on TikTok

  8. Organize desk / art stuff

  9. Organize & hang jewelry

  10. Clean out closet & donate

  11. Establish a preventative aging skincare routine

  12. Find a new dry cleaner

  13. Find a new dentist

  14. Find a new gynecologist

  15. Find a new primary care physician

  16. Eat more mindfully

  17. Land a significant jump on skis

  18. Do a paid UGC post

  19. Develop branding

  20. Visit Maine

  21. Run the Beach to Beacon road race

  22. 30 min walk 1x per week (minimum)

  23. Grow an apartment sized veggie garden

Share your goals in the comments below!


Race in America


Small Business Saturday at the Feminist Magic Market